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Kathryn Bartol

Although there were few women in management doctoral programs or on the faculty in business schools when I started out, this thankfully has changed a great deal. I have always tried to do my best work and not be intimidated by a lack of women in an area of interest. Fortunately, I have been able to find supportive colleagues and sometimes mentors who have given me good advice and encouragement. This is certainly true of my colleagues in the Management and Organization Department at Maryland. Seeking supportive colleagues can be a helpful strategy. 

First Female Dean of the Fellows of the Academy of Management,
First Chair of the Academy of Management Committee on the Status of Women,
First Chair of the Interest Group on Women in Management of the Academy of Management, and
First Female Chair of a Division of the Academy of Management (Social Issues in Management)
Robert H. Smith Professorship in Management & Organization and Area Chair
Management & Organization
Robert H. Smith School of Business