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Peer Networks

Peer networks are faculty learning communities organized by different identities and faculty rank/appointment type. Peer networks meet on a regular basis to discuss issues of career development, create opportunities for collaboration and partnership, and give faculty participants strategies for navigating campus.

Current Faculty Peer Networks (2024-2025)

  • ADVANCING Faculty Diversity (AFD)

    ADVANCING Faculty Diversity (AFD) is a faculty peer network aimed at building communities of support for faculty members and postdoctoral fellows (all genders) from racially minoritized groups. AFD will host a welcome reception and 2 writing retreats (fall and spring). All events are open to AFD alums and new/returning faculty and postdocs of color.

  • Advancing Professional Track Faculty (APTF)

    ADVANCING Professional Track Faculty (APTF) is a year-long peer network designed to enhance professional success for early-career PTK faculty (1-4 years at UMD, all genders). APTF will meet 4x semester, in-person and online.

    This peer network is co-sponsored by ADVANCE and the Office of Faculty Affairs. 

  • Pathways for PTK Women

    Pathways for PTK Women: Leadership and Professional Development at Mid-Career (WPTK) is a year-long peer network aimed at enabling professional growth for mid-career (5-10 years at UMD) PTK faculty who identify as women and/or gender non-binary. This program will meet 3-4x a semester, in-person, and will discuss issues of leadership, negotiation, and other topics related to career vitality.

Other Peer Networks

ADVANCING Together Workshops (AT) – A year-long peer network for associate professors who identify as women. This peer network is designed to provide knowledge of the promotion to full process, tips on dossier preparation, and discussions of critical career decisions. Scheduled to run in AY2025-2026.

Keeping Our Faculties (KOF) – A year-long network of pre-tenure assistant professors who identify as women created to enhance agency in career advancement. Scheduled to run in AY2025-2026.