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Resources for Search Committees

Blank Candidate Evaluation Rubric Form

This form is a template for search committees to apply the candidate evaluation rubric.

Constructing Clear Candidate Evaluation Criteria & Using A Rubric

The criteria by which faculty search committees evaluate candidates is often undefined or ambiguously defined. This brief summarizes strategies for making candidate evaluation criteria clearer and advice on how search committees can more effectively use rubrics. Examples rubrics are included.

Developing a Diverse Candidate Short List

As search committees winnow candidate lists, often diversity is reduced. This brief summarizes ways search committees can enhance diversity as they reach this stage of the hiring process. 

Enhancing On-Campus Interviews

Campus interviews offer candidates an opportunity to meet department members and imagine what it may be like to work at the university, but they are also highly prone to bias. This brief summarizes strategies for enhancing the structure of on-campus interviews. 

Faculty Recruitment Resources List

Broadening diversity in the applicant pool is a critical element for ensuring that a search will be a success. This list contains websites, journals, and other places search committees may share job advertisements to reach a broad audience.

Mitigating Epistemic Exclusion in Faculty Hiring

Substantial research shows that epistemic matters, or the ways that certain kinds of research/scholarly knowledge are valued and legitimized, shape how faculty members are recruited and hired. This brief discusses how epistemic exclusion can manifest faculty hiring and offers evidence-based strategies for epistemic inclusion for faculty search committees and hiring units. 

Resources for UMD Faculty Job Candidates

This document summarizes policies, campus centers, and local information that may be of interest to prospective UMD faculty members.

Sample Mutual Expectations for Search Committees

This brief provides a sample of mutual expectations for search committees, which were developed to create an inclusive, collaborative working environment.

What is Bias and How Does It Emerge in Faculty Hiring?

This research brief highlights the ways that social and cognitive bias can emerge throughout the faculty hiring process.

Writing an Inclusive Job Description

The brief examines how and why the language used in faculty job advertisements can enhance, or limit, diversity in the applicant pool.